The Secret Stake Society Press Release

High school senior Macy James fights her internal demons by writing a vampire story for her English class and soon discovers she can escape to the fantasy world she’s created through dreaming.

Fandom Studios is proud to announce that their new horror, comedy, action TV Show and Robert J. Butler Original programming “The Secret Stake Society” has begun pre-production.  A Prologue short film will be shot in mid October to create a Proof of Concept for marketing the series to TV/Streaming services.
It is the story of a young high school girl in 1988 who faces a constant struggle with her mental health and uses dreaming for therapy, but her dreams turn to horror as her classmates turn into Vampires that she has to fight with her best friend.

The professional young cast consists of Karli Gabrel, Lexi Graves, Cassidy Aurora Gordon, Alice Wren, Morgan Raine and Marie Shultz. More cast announcements are expected in July.

The short film will be Directed, Produced, and Penned by Robert J. Butler (“Real. Again. short film festival winner) IMDb Link.

“The Secret Stake Society” cast are expected to make several Texas comic convention appearances throughout the summer leading up to their Kickstarter campaign launching in August 2021.

TSSS Press Releases

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